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Short story awards Joan Castelló 2016

The 14th Joan Castelló Guasch Short Story Prize has been announced, endowed with 2500 euros and publication of the winning work. The Department of Culture of the Consell d'Eivissa promotes this event as a tribute to folklorist and writer (1911-1984) at 90 anniversary of his birth.

Moon and bougainvillea

On Friday, 22 de julio, a las 20.30 hours a new edition of poetic musical evenings organized every year by the Argentine Cultural Association takes place balear (ACAB) on the promenade of bougainvillea, in brush (Ibiza).

Can the conspiracy Planets

The next meeting of the Reading Club Santa Eulària des Riu will take place, as it is traditional at this time in Can Planetes, where the novel John K will be discussed. Toole, "A Confederacy of Dunces". An intelligent and scathing critique of the middle class won the Pulitzer Prize.

“The night of Comte Mal” in Galatzó

AN EXPERIENCE OF LEGEND The show is performed on the night of the day 20 August in les cases de Galatzó Inside the Mallorcan imagination, Comte Mal preferably occupies a. Mr. swashbuckling, bloodthirsty, cruel, despot, facing the people. Cursed forever. It wanders like a specter through the solitudes of Galatzó. With a fiery horse. To the extent popularly identified with the name of the mountain. This is the starting point of the show Carlos Garrido Escènic “The night of Comte Mal”. Which it is represented in the same cases of Galatzó, the day 20... Read More

The sun reaches the Reading Club

el martes, 6 of September, a las 20:30 hours monthly meeting of the Reading Club Santa Eulària del Riu takes place, where discussion on the novel Laurent Gaudé, The sun of Scorta, Goncourt prize winner of the year 2004.