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Se publica la 3ª edición de Llagas de sal, el libro más vendido de la editorial. East 2022 SALT SORES REVIEW 8 SALT SORES REVIEW, SALT SORES REVIEW. SALT SORES REVIEW, SALT SORES REVIEW. El texto recoge un conjunto de relatos que conforman uno de esos libros memorables en todos los significados de la palabra. So, una lectura literal de las tres... Read More


SALT SORES REVIEW, 5 February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams, February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams (February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams); February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams, Isidor Marí; February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams; February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams (February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams) February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams (February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams), February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams.

February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams, February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams

February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams, February with a performance by the Catalan rock and ska band Brams. In the context of a city with aspirations of greatness in which theater is the cultural engine, Cordèlia tells the story of three people belonging to different generations with strong links between them and positioned at a vital level in an affective and economic way since.... Read More


Pain is an aspect of life that no one can escape. On one side is the physical, that we are proud to see that he is getting better treatment thanks to medical advances. Nevertheless, the spiritual is separated from these advances and one after another we are getting trapped in the same sufferings as our ancestors. This contrast is the starting point for the journalist Carlos Garrido Torres to write Beautiful people do not come from nowhere. This book, arising from the death of the author's daughter, recounts a series of profound reflections on health.. Read More

RETROSPECTIVE OF 2021 (2ª parte)

We now continue with our return to the past to get a compass to guide us in the new year. The first part of our retrospective was dedicated to reviewing the plans closest to narration and lyrics. This second part will help us remember other important moments of Edicions Aïllades/Ibiza Editions. The month of February was the launch of the AccentObert translation collection’ in an event held at the Documenta bookstore in Barcelona. Directed and produced by Nora Albert, the series translates into Catalan works by great Italian writers such as Calandrone, Anedda ... Read More