
Cover of ‘Doctor Death. The shadow of a Nazi in Ibiza’
“Doctor Death: The shadow of a Nazi in Ibiza” It is a work that manages to combine historical rigor with the intrigue of a fiction novel.. José V. Serradilla Muñoz has created a powerful, thought-provoking narrative on issues that remain relevant today., such as historical responsibility and collective memory.
Set on the island of Ibiza in the eighties. the book is, definitely, a recommended read for those looking for a novel that not only entertains, but also provokes reflection on humanity's ability to confront its own past..
Doctor Death: The shadow of a Nazi in Ibiza
Author: José V. Serradilla Muñoz
Editorial Melqart
160 pages
ISBN: 978-84-126761-1-2
DL In 78-2024
PVP 20 €
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