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Tórridos abismos


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Para empezar programming publisher Editions isolated, nothing better than a book that does not leave indifferent. A novel about the very center of the sexual instinct. Bajo el título “Tórridos abismos” Julius de Montisania nos relata dos historias de pasión al límite.

On the one hand, a patient who wants to escape his sexual obsessions and carrying out dangerous games using his wife as bait. For the other, the analyst himself assailed it sees as memories of a fatal passion that believed forgotten.

The plot narrates the vicissitudes of the patient, memories of the analyst, y todo ello aderezado con los esfuerzos por explicar esos impulsos, Monstrous fully from the rational point of view.

Edicions aïllades bet so on hot topics, capable of breaking molds, as an invitation to open all kinds of roads in its future programming.

El primer volumen que la editorial publica en edición impresa.
