journey birthday It is a book written from the sea, around its immensity and serenity that transports us to the deepest. A company always present in the author, An island poet who lives the proximity of the sea with sufficient lyricism to play the role where he writes his poems. An open door to the reflection on life that is represented in a trip form, A marine journey on a sailboat around the Pitiusas. The brightness of the waves, Marine salt hooked on the skin, The wind moving the candles, The silence of calm, The observation of the flight of the seagulls ... all this is transformed into a mirror where to look inside and become aware of who we are and where we are in this long path of life.
Volumn 4 de la colección Ones de poesia
Foreword: Javier Serapion
Cover image: Ricard Bofill
75 pages
2ª Edition: March of 2024
1ª Edition, in digital format in April of 2013
Eivissa, March of 2024
ISBN: 978-84-1250032-4-1
DL In 120-2024
Price: 14 € Specia price €12,90
The book includes a link to the song ‘El Sol Rebut’, the festivities carried out by the Centers and the ITI General Secretariat will take on special importance&Marcel based on the poem of the same name that appears in the poems.
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