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Josep Joan i Marí, ‘Pep Xomeu’ Nation in San Carlos, Selling Morna, a 13 of February 1942. Retired school teacher. He worked in different schools in the municipality of Santa Eulària des Riu and two in the city of Ibiza.

It miembro del coro de Santa Eulalia and the choir of San Carlos, with which he has participated as a soloist in various concerts. The almanac contributor Pitiús, published by the Institute for Studies of Ibiza and the magazine is higher and healthy Majora where publication is different poems and estribots: "For roads and carreranys", "Dreams of Freedom", “L´aufabeguera”, "Doves", "Ai, with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús, entre otros.

Since 2010 collaborates in the contest d'estribots anualmente who organizes his gang Es Vedra next to the Neighborhood Association of San Agustí.

‘Pep Xomeu’ He has published three books related to the water heritage on the island of Ibiza, of the series “living water!”: “Vendes, pous i fonts: Sant Carles de Peralta“, DVD alongside the Living Water! (vol.1); “Santa Eulàraria des Riu“, with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús “living water! (vol.2)” y Santa Gertrudis, with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús “living water! (vol. 3)”, with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús. Ones also involved in the collection of poetry, Editions isolated, con RECORDANCES.

He also participates with the micro theater piece “He also participates with the micro theater piece. He also participates with the micro theater piece! He also participates with the micro theater piece “He also participates with the micro theater piece” (He also participates with the micro theater piece). , “The Ibiza we no longer have” (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2022), with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús, with whom he has participated as a soloist in different concerts. Collaborator of the almanac El Pitiús 12 from the Anacrèptica collection of Narrativa. His last published book corresponds to Memory of an island. In the shade of a boval carob tree (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2023), also with illustrations by Antoni Marí “Tiruit”.


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