Ibiza and Formentera digital books
Demand for digital books has skyrocketed for the past 3 months. As you know, Ibiza Editions was born with the intention-illusion of responding to your literary needs, that's why we have a wide selection of digital books and audiobooks whose titles we invite you to review to discover if any of them beats you.
Remember that the vast majority are writers of or settled in the Pitiusas, that is to say, fresh local produce, so take the opportunity to support the local literature that gives us so much joy, is part of the flavors of Ibiza and Formentera.
List of digital books and audio-books:
If you are in the shade and can read on the screen without problems, the best is a E-BooK or digital book:
If you want to sunbathe, you know, it's time for the audiobook:
We are waiting your comments, tell us what you think about the books, Would you like to meet their authors?, and if we organize a literary Zoom. We are very attentive to your proposals! You find us on social networks…
Thank you, health and peace.