La filòloga, assagista i traductora Helena Alvarado (Lleida,1948 – Eivissa 2023), que publicava amb el pseudònim Nora Albert, has written several books and articles within the scope of Catalan literature and universal. Is Professor of Language and Literature Institute and worked in Verdaguer Barcelona and Ibiza in the University of the Balearic Islands.
Studies of Fine Arts, made inroads, especially, in the world of image (photography, prize Campoamor; video: Three perspectives for a box. Art collection LA CAIXA). Thanks to his multifaceted artistic works are the pictorial and literary Vicent Ferrer Guasch ("Lime and memory" (Editorial Moll), photographic-literary project with Alejandro Marino, in progress, and the work on "Des de l'illa" with Carles Guasch, whose painting is defined as the calligraphy of a dream. Also the collaboration with the artist Laia Moreto Alvarado, Photo from the book "Punta Galera". Is also underway, the literary-pictorial project "Elles" in which they will collaborate together with Nora Albert's poems 16 women artists Ibiza. It should be also noted his participation as a manager in various cultural exhibitions.
As a poet has won several literary awards, including the Lambda Award (Words and embers,2004, Ed.Brosquil) and the prize Oleander ,2007 (Tentacles sky, 2007.Studies Institute Eivissencs), as well as the prize Soller Valley, 2012 ( Punta Galera) , Vila de Benissa, 2014 (fragile wreck) II Prize and the City of Ibiza 2014 (small print). It belongs to l'AILC, a l´AISC, a l ´Anglo-Catalan Society, l'AELC and a PEN, work desk associations with which it has worked well with communications and / or articles or conferences or concerts. He has contributed to Diario de Ibiza (Miranda charged) and radio (IB3). El 2014 has been the subject of study at the University of Torino with Laurea Thesis (Cum Laude) d'Alessandra Loreggia i el 2015 magazine published by l'AISC (Italian Journal of Catalan Studies) has dedicated a 100 pages.
Any of the 2011 l'AELC is a member of Ibiza and Formentera.
books Nora Albert:
Words and embers ( Brosquil, València, 2004 ). Premi Lambda 2003 Tentacles sky ( Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs, Eivissa, 2008 ).Premi Baladre, 2007 des de l’illa ( Carles Guasch ). ( editorial Mediterranean, Eivissa, 2008 ) Lime and memory ( Vicent Ferrer Guasch ). ( Editorial Moll, Palma, 2009 ) Punta Galera (Laia Moreto-Alvarado) 2012. Award Soller Valley 2012. Curbet editions, 2013. Award Soller Valley, 2012 fragile wreck, 2014. Vienna edicions.Premi Villa Benissa, 2014. small print, 2014. Edicions.II Balàfia Ibiza City Award, 2014, trilingual edition (català-Italian-Inglese). New edition of Words and embers (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2019).
As a translator published:
Holy terra (Arrela, 2016) by Italian writer Alda Merini (Milan 1931-2009). Fossil Series / Serie Fossile (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2019) from the journalist, Italian playwright and poet Maria Grazia Calandrone; Winter Residences (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2020), d’Antonella Anedda; el guanyador del Premi Rafel Jaume (Cavall Verd) per Buidor dàmor (EDICIONS AÏLLADES. 2022), d’Alda Merini i Massa vida a la sang (EDICIONS AÏLLADES,2023, d’Antonia Pozzi.
literary prizes:
among d'altres: Premi Lambda, 2003 Terrace City Award, 2005 Premi Baladre, 2007 Award Soller Valley, 2012 Prize XXXIV Villa Benissa, 2014 Premi Ciutat d´Eivissa Marià Villángomez 2014
among d'altres: Erotic and disheveled ( Ed. Arola, Tarragona, 2008 ) Poets of the islands. Anthology Matilde Bonet ( Technical printing, Palma, 2008 )
The earliest blossoms (Catalan-Portuguese) (Poetry anthology of the Balearic Islands). (Ministry of Education and Culture, Palma, 2010) Mediterranean port of Book II ( Ibiza Town Hall, 2010 ) Word Poet. Nora Albert. 33. Government of the Balearic Islands, 2011 Festival Village Lloseta anys2010 / 2012. City of Poetry in action Lloseta years 2010-2014 Verses by language. ed roots. 2014 Testing among others: Helena Alvarado. "Solitude" Victor Catalan " ( editorial Empúries, Navigation Notebooks, 19, Barcelona, 1977 ) .several articles, prologues, courses, communications and lectures on Catalan literature within the scope of European and Comparative Literature and Gender several Catalan and European universities.
It was set to music by:
MUT PROJECT: In "Words and embers": "Adelerades desire…”
MARCELA FRIEDERICHS: In "Words and embers":"As for sea dives" "Were your hands…"" While the violin tingling…"From" Tentacles sky ": "To desire fragments mar ...:"From A to Zed"(cello) of "Punta Galera": "How difficult was visible to the world ..." "To undo fine and we love bags…"" You were there, April a far… ("Sage and rosemary) "A spark collapses the sky…"From" Fragile shipwrecks ": "How difficult was visible to the world…"" The afternoon passes page…”
Astrid Friederichs: of "Punta Galera": "Recall her glow del Ebro…”
Joan Murenu (D´UC): for "Tentacles sky" "From A to Z"
EDUARDO RINCÓN. Some of haikus "Since the island"
Ramon Mayol,. In "Words and embers": “T´enyor”
Group "JÚLIA" with the single "Naufràgils" based on verses of the poem "Fragile shipwrecks".
Literary Platform online