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Ibiza editions

Pere Vilas Gil

Vilas Gil, Pere. (Eivissa, 1944).

Researcher on issues related to the Pitiüsas and historian. After studying high school in Ibiza, he dedicated himself to military life and later went to work in an industrial company until his retirement in 2004.

He has been part of the boards of directors of various entities, such as the Institute of Ibiza Studies and the Club Náutico de Ibiza. Self-taught, he has been interested in a multitude of topics related to history and especially the theme of the sea in all its variants.: the navegation, shipbuilding, characters, etc. He has published more than 70 articles on very diverse topics, although those related to maritime history predominate in newspapers and magazines such as Diario de Ibiza, Eivissa, The Pitius, territories, Habib, and Fites, entre otros. He has given multiple conferences on various topics at the request of cultural entities of the Pitiusas and has presented works by other authors..

He has published the following books: Notes for the Maritime History of Ibiza and Formentera (1989); Light signals of the Pitiüses, history and evolution (1992); Joaquim Gadea Fernández, the life of a teacher (1995) who obtained the Baladre Prize of the I.E.E.; Jaume Planells Ferrer, Sit, story of a privateer (1996); now does 75 years (2000), at 75 anniversary of the founding of the Ibiza Yacht Club; Ibizan privateers, the corsair trade in Ibiza in the 18th and 19th centuries (2003); the novel The Circle of Life (2010). He has also published various chapters in various publications in collaboration with other authors.. en 2024 publica ‘THE IBIZA CORSAIRS IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES‘ (Ibiza editions).

Since the first volume he has been responsible for the Biographies and Society area at the Enciclopèdia d’Eivissa i Formentera and a member of the nautical section of this same publication..

On behalf of the Ibiza City Council, he has drafted the project for the City Maritime Museum, a report on the Tho-pa-ga ship for its declaration as Listed Good and six other reports for the awarding of the Gold Medal by the Ibiza City Council since 2009 A 2023.

El 2019 the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs awarded him the Sant Jordi Honorary Mention.