The third installment of the collection of great women RBA It is dedicated to FRIDA KAHLO, You may ask what this has to do with Ibiza. It has been an Ibizan writer, Rebecca Beltrán, who wrote the biography of this revolutionary painter.
Frida was a woman who escaped the pain giving wings to their creativity. Art has healing powers. He became one of the great female icons of the twentieth century. He shared with intellectuals and artists a life rich in experiences. His genius was reflected in his colorful works, with which it has become one of the most recognized artists in history.
Rebecca Beltrán
Also part of the creative cast of this journalist concerned the following titles: “So are my grandparents” (with illustrations by Ana Zurita), “Pasa page” (edited by Lumen, and translated into ten languages),”The Book of Merlin”,”Fire”, y “Your heart in a box”.
We give our most sincere congratulations for writing about great women has become one.
María VR
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