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Unital the use of social language

The network of organizations connected by Language (ExLL) asks the institutions concrete measures to promote unity and social use of the Catalan language.

Exllent has conducted its annual meeting in Castellón, which has taken stock of the objectives set, the actions undertaken and the achievements of this 2016.

Since the beginning of the campaign for a communication in Catalan advances have been made in this field as the reception channel 33 i the 3/24 Balearic Islands, IB3 receiving the Principality, the approval of the resolution of the Parliament of Catalonia urging his government to constitute the Catalan Audiovisual Council with the participation of the governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia. It remains the launch of Radio Television Valenciana. Had announced in October that it would, but is not yet effective. It is very important for the survival of the Catalan count on the media in Catalan throughout the country and fulfill the commitments made by the Spanish Government when ratifying the European Charter for languages ​​that regulates the right to receive radio and television public they have the same language. Exllent announces campaign tracking.

The meeting agreed to consider new proposals for this 2017 for the whole linguistic, from two basic criteria; taking into account the specificity of each country within the overall context of the domain and are based on achievable objectives in the short and medium term.


There have been many actions taken last four years. We worked really linked to a Catalan communication space, Catalan at the school in Gaza, Northern Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Valencia Country… we have also worked for the normalization of the use of language and to demand equal rights for all language communities in Europe. This 2017 Exllent has three main areas of work:

1) strengthening the unity of language throughout the linguistic

2) measures to promote the use of Catalan social.

3) deepen the coordination of the actions of language organizations throughout the linguistic


In order to view the entire unit mastery of language, to undertake actions to involve institutions throughout.
In line with the motion passed by the Parliament of the Principality in favor of the Catalan communication space must be made for steps:

A) Urged the Generalitat Valenciana join the Institut Ramon Llull, and Llull proposed a network of cities of the Strip with local councils signed the declaration Mequinensa.


b) Propose and provide those motions regional institutions or the regional language domain to demonstrate in favor of the Catalan communication space (Corts, Parliament Islands, Consell Regional CatNord…), the creation and implementation of the Audiovisual Council.

c) Study the possibility of initiating a campaign for the French state to sign the Charter on Regional or Minority Languages, and compliance with this part of the Spanish and Italian.


Knowing the different role of language in every part of the country, Linked to Language wants to undertake actions to promote the social use of Catalan and urges the relevant authorities the fulfillment of the following demands:


Balearic Islands the government of the Balearic Islands fearlessly lead the normalization of Catalan, develop the action plan drawn up by the Social Council of the Catalan Language with the help of all sectors of society, economic and institutional, as well as individuals and entities that have always worked for the survival and the use of Catalan. There is need for the government in full working to increase the presence of Catalan in schools, Media, administration, justice and leisure, trade, to health and the Catalan language, typical of the Balearic Islands, is the language of social cohesion and offering new opportunities to all people who want to learn.
Al country Valencià get a true Law of linguistic equality and language rights are guaranteed Valencian speakers, especially in the areas of education and public service for which requires the inclusion of language proficiency for access to the Public Administration, improving the decree Multilingualism and increased budgetary allocations for promotion of the Valencian. Reopening a RTVV quality in Valencian and reciprocity emissions TV3, CatRàdio i IB3.


To Fringe must take active steps to implement the use of Catalan in schools and government to dignify language, far from the usual symbolic politics without effective results. Declare Catalan as an official language in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

Al Principate of Andorra, despite being a sovereign state, should encourage the presence and use of Catalan trade and reciprocity between the channel state media, network and local TV IB3.

A Northern Catalonia broadcasting all channels TVC and relocation contents of northern Catalonia. The actual implementation of the official status of the Catalan “General Council of Pyrénées Orientales” and public institutions in Northern Catalonia equate levels of investment in education in the Catalan institutions that provide Britain with his tongue.

Al Principality of Catalonia should promote Catalan as the language of social cohesion, end language discrimination in areas such as judicial, product labeling or audiovisual industry. Strengthening the school with the Catalan Catalan as the language and activate reciprocity media in Catalan with other territories.

A lAlghero promote Alghero from local public institutions, regional and national in sectors such as names, the school, literature and shops, recognizing the work carried out by the organizations civil tongue.

3/ COORDINATION BETWEEN language organizations

Exllent considered necessary to coordinate the actions of language organizations throughout the linguistic defend the language we share the attacks of Spanish and French governments, achieve real progress in the normalization process and its international recognition.

This last fact Connected network adheres to the Protocol for the guarantee of language rights for Kontseilua promoted today in Donostia and promoted by organizations like CIEMEN, ELEN o LINGUAPAX, entre d’altres, amb aportacions de col·lectius que treballen per les llengües minoritzades d’Europa.

Linked to Language


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