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The Wilella writer Sibert Cather, better known as WILLA CATHER (Winchester, Virginia, 7 from December to 1873 – NY, 24 April 1947), is the writer of January in the Municipal Library of Ibiza to mark the centenary of the publication of the work my Antonia.

The date of birth of Cather is confirmed by a birth certificate and a letter from 22 of January of 1874 his father's, referring to it. Nevertheless, while he is working in the magazine McClure, Cather says he was born in 1875. Then he said he was in 1876 and this is the date carved on his tomb in Jaffrey.

He came from a family of Irish origin and alsaciano. He spent his childhood in Nebraska, during the years of the first major colonization by Czech immigrants and Scandinavians; among those adventurers and peasants of hot blood, They living opposed to conventional dry and respectable Americans “indigenous” of the region, Cather spent years training. Almost all his works were marked by love for Nebraska and ways of life of the early settlers who settled in these wilds. de hecho, She said that most of the stuff of a writer is the one that acquires before fifteen.

Always active and independent, He studied at the University of Nebraska, where he presented dressed man by the name of William Cather. Once completed studies, He was devoted to different trades, as a journalist, teacher and director of magazines. In Pittsburgh he worked as an editor at The Home Monthly and The Pittsburg Leader. After a year in Washington working as a teacher of Latin and Greek at a high school, he moved to New York to work in McClure's Magazine publisher until he left this job to devote himself entirely to writing.

He traveled inside and outside the country. His first novel is Alexander's Bridge (1912) (Alejandro Bridge). It was the work O Pioneers! (1913) (pioneers), where found maturity, but his masterpiece is My Antonia (1918) (my Antonia). Con la obra One of Ours (1922) (One of us), set in World War I, He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923. Other works of the author are Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) (Death is addressed to Archbishop), Shadows on the Rock (1931) (Shadows on the Rock), y Not under forty (1936) (Not before forty).

He also wrote poetry and has written a number of stories. Some of his novels have been made into a film. Cather it was sensitive and selective spirit and their teachers in the field of literature were Flaubert and Henry James, while their instinctual literary preferences were heading Hawthorne, Turguénev, Merimee, Conrad y Stephen Crane. In his novels he portrays the daily life of ordinary characters United States employing a similarly everyday language.

en 1944 obtuvo el American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for Fiction. Was Doctor Honoris Causa by numerous American universities.

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