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The poem book 'Pòsits de llum' is presented’

El Saturday 22 de junio a las 20.30 horas the poem of Neus Cardona Ribas is presented 'Positions of light’ (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2024) In es Tancó de Can Curt, in San Agustin, in an event that will be attended by the author and the editor Ramon Mayol, accompanied by: Marga Jarrin, Cristina Martín, ARRIVES WITH WOMAN'S LETTER, Eva Tur and Maria Tur.

'Pósits de llum' is the first collection of poems he publishes Snow Cardona Ribas. This is the volume number 17 from the collection Ones de Poesia that Edicions Aïllades has underway.

The work is a collection of poems made up of three parts united by light. In the first, Monday in Vers in es Tancó de Can Curt, with They compile the poems read at the meetings that are organized at the end of the summer, just before september starts, in the town of Sant Agustí. They have not been ordered following the sequence of the seven editions made so far., but they have been organized freely.

The poems In es Tancó de Can Curt, Confit y Identities They are verses that The author wrote in response to the theme of Poetry Night and specifically to be read in the context of this.

The second part is titled Traces of sparks from a warm September sun. They are poems where the warmth of love sways, the illusion of falling in love and the clear light of the month of September.

Finally, Clarianes or the brilliance of metaphors, It is a part that delves into feelings such as tenderness, to longing, the uncertainty, Love Empty Cover, friendship… They are the clarianas that open the writing, and in particular the metaphors, in an attempt to understand one's own existence in relation to others.

The book has a foreword by Eva Tur and the image on the cover is the work of the artist Maria-Antoinette Courtens, which is currently exhibited in sa Nostra Sala de Vila. The interior illustrations are by the artist Marga Jarrín.

The Mon Duo&MarCel will offer a small acoustic concert with songs based on the poems of the author of 'Pòsits de llum'.

In the following link you can listen to one of his poems set to music by Mon&the festivities carried out by the Centers and the ITI General Secretariat will take on special importance: ‘Fall in love with September‘, that appears in the book.

Snow Cardona Ribas

Snow Cardona Ribas

Snow Cardona Ribas (Sant Agustí des Vedrà 1972) She has a degree in Philosophy, teacher, linguistic volunteer and lover of the simple life.

The taste for writing has accompanied her since she was a teenager.. During his high school years he wrote his first short stories., Apple of grief (1989) y The cry of the cicadas (1990). He also organized his first collections of poems; obtains second place in the poetry prize organized by the Ateneu Igualadí in the year 1990 in a 1991, Between goodbye and dream, he writes it for a friend, which returns it published, in a reciprocal gift.

You can read some of his poems at The Pitius (2006, 2008, 2009,…), in the anthology With woman's letter, the priest of Teresa Navarro pastor (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2022) and in the book-disc of the series the festivities carried out by the Centers and the ITI General Secretariat will take on special importance, vol 1. Music and poetry of the islands (EDICIONS AÏLLADES, 2023).

Mon&MarCel have set to music two poems that are part of 'Pòsits de llum': Browse-you i Fall in love with September.

He has collaborated on several projects: has written the story Johnny For the work reminyoles temps (GEN-GOB Eivissa 2016); has voiced and articulated the narrative that drives the music and dance show under the moon (2016) by Elvira Ramon, Rocío Osuna and Lucía Herranz; has participated in the Petit Cor recital The silent voice (2019), tribute to women composers, for which he has written the presentation text of the authors and the pieces performed, and the poem Song of the sea, to which the composer Eva Ugalde has set music.

Consider poetry as an act of love for the shared word and as a place to meet again., y, as far as possible, understand. With the dream of enjoying the verses and creating poetic spaces, organizes the Poetry Nights in es Tancó de Can Curt, with Maria Tur, James Vidal, Marta Guasch and Charlotte Look. This nocturnal and poetic revelry is celebrated at the beginning of September within the framework of the festivities of the town of Sant Agustí.


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